Defines a user-executable action
- Type parameters:
- T
the type of the parameter associated with the action
- Value parameters:
- actionParameter
an optional parameter associated with the action
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class AddCourseAction
class AddQuizAction
class SelectCourseAction
class BlitzGameAction[T]
class CustomMenuAction[T]
class ReviewMenuAction
class StandardGameAction[T]
class SelectAnswer[T]
class NewGameSettings[T]
class EditCourseAction
class SelectCourseAction
class EditQuizAction
class SelectCourseAction
class SelectQuizAction
class Selection[T]
class SelectAnswer[T]
class SelectCourseAction
class SelectQuizAction
class ParameterlessAction
object Back.type
object AddCourseMenuAction.type
object AddQuizMenuAction.type
object EditCourseMenuAction.type
object EditQuizMenuAction.type
object MainMenuAction.type
object SelectMenuAction.type
object SettingsMenuAction.type
object StatisticsMenuAction.type
object NextQuiz.type
object Start.type
object Quit.type
object Select.type
object Settings.type
object Statistics.type
object End.type
object Blitz.type
object Custom.type
object Start.type
object AddCourse.type
object AddQuiz.type
object EditCourse.type
object EditQuiz.type
object NextQuiz.type